Interface Design Racing & Sports

Client: Racing & Sports
Completion: April 2022

  • Interface design

​Racing & Sports is the leading supplier of sports and racing data. They had an established, dated site that no longer aligned with the business.

They approached me to lead the website redesign - looking most closely at the user experience.

This was an enjoyable project - lots of moving parts, but plenty of opportunities to condense, tighten, and clean the information & user flow.

Looks great mate, This is exactly what I needed. Love this… thanks mate for the quick turnaround. Chris R, Racing & Sports

The final design deliverables of final-art Photoshop files with annotations were handed over to the international developers for implementation.

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Interface Design EBP Money

Client: Fox Symes & Associates
Completion: Oct 2021

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

​This design in a deliberate change in style for Fox Symes - more space, openness, and muted tones.

My job was to work through many iterations of layout and style until we had something that hit the core management vision.

Perfect thanks... Nice work. Vincent S, Fox Symes & Associates

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Interface Design HACR Web Application

Client: EPES Consulting
Completion: August 2021

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

​EPES Consulting contracted me to design and build the front end for their heath-services web application.

Some of the project information is confidential, but the gist is the app helps with the maintenance and status-reporting of types of hospital rooms.

Looks great! You’ve captured our intent really well... That looks amazing!... To me, it looks like you’re going in the right direction. Tom M, EPES Consulting

My role was to design and then build the core application templates for handover to their developer team.

The core challenge was to best present ‘status’ and ‘issues’ to users at-a-glance.

This is a project where user experience takes the front seat (it always should, but alas marketing can push things around).

I do enjoy the problem-solving and the process of removing interface distractions to get to the core user journey.

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Interface Design NRL Tickets

Client: NRL
Completion: May 2022
Visit: NRL Tickets Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

​The NRL has contracted me to keep their essential ‘’ site operational and up-to-date for roughly seven years.

My role was to maintain hosting, the Expression Engine content management system, and ensure the game data was up to date.

​Only in mid-2022 have they been able to bring that site management in-house - as was always planned.

I want to thank you for your ongoing efforts and support in helping us deliver the NRL Tickets website, it has been a very valuable asset to the NRL and has been a crucial operational extension of the NRL Network during our digital transformation. Phil V, NRL

It was a pleasure to maintain and extend the NRL tickets site - with weekly updates and seasonal content pieces.

My work with the NRL continues in 2022 with ZenDesk themes, membership application updates and various projects through out the season.

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Interface Design Rugby League Oceania Cup

Client: Rugby League International Federation / Duco Events
Completion: November 2019

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (Craft)

​Through contacts and referrals from the NRL - the Internation Rugby League Federation and Duco Events New Zealand contact me to design and build a site for their Oceania Cup and English Lions tour.

The site needed to promote the games and drive ticket sales. The content was to be updated by team members around the world (UK, NZ and Australia).

​I built the responsive site in the Craft content management system - a very flexible, fast and secure platform.

Great job turning this around. Thanks! Sara, RLIF

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Interface Design AuroraCreative Projects

Client: Aurora Creative
Completion: 2018-2022

  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (Craft)

Aurora Creative is an agency in Victoria offering online and offline services to businesses.

In early 2018 they contacted me looking for a Craft CMS developer to convert their designs into functioning websites. They have been working with another team but had found them to be unreliable and expensive.

Since that first project in 2018, we have built eight Craft websites.

​For each project, Aurora provides desktop mockups and asset details.

I then

  • build-up the responsive HTML templates
  • install and setup Craft CMS
  • convert those HTML files into dynamic Craft templates
  • hand back to Aurora

Aurora can then finalise the content, then train the client on updating and maintaining their site.

​I can normally turnaround builds in about two-three weeks - depending on my workload at the time.

Craft CMS is a great platform for developers (it’s why it’s my favourite) and users (ease-of-use is why Aurora loves it).

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Interface Design NRL Bandwagon

Client: NRL
Completion: September 2019

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

The NRL asked my to design and build a web app that allowed users to find their ‘bandwagon’ finals team.

Users needed to answer several tongue-in-cheek questions to get a final answer. These answers were deliberately planned and not random.

I converted the client’s Excel flowchart into HTML, CSS and Javascript code.

The results and pathways had to be edited quickly during the NRL finals series as teams were eliminated.

Design and layout needed to prioritise mobile/smartphone users.

The result is a simple, reliable user experience.

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Interface Design NRL AAN Redemption

Client: NRL
Completion: September 2019

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (Craft)

NRL approached me to create a ticket allocation number lookup for their club members.

It needed to allow club members to find their unique code that could be used to purchase NRL finals tickets before the general public.

The system looks at the entered name, date of birth and club supported - then returns the code (if found).

The database has over 60,000 membership records.

I used CraftCMS to build the pages and run the query and outcomes. CraftCMS allowed for quick, flexible development in a very short timeframe.

The NRL has commissioned an updated version (with a larger dataset) of this tool for the 2020 NRL season.

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Interface Design Dasck: Tutoring App

Client: Dasck
Completion: August 2017

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

Dasck is a new app start-up that will connect tutors with students and parents. I was commissioned to design and build the promotional website for the app.

This responsive promotional site needed to be simple, clean and push users to subscribe to the launch date.

I spent a bit of time at the start of the project refining and organising the content - separating benefits from features and simplifying language.

I like the sizing and fonts, I think it's a clean design and the key points are emphasised well! Paul P, Dasck

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Interface Design StrataSmart

Client: StrataSmart
Completion: July 2017

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

StrataSmart is an online e-voting tool for strata managers and their lot owners. I was commissioned by the start-up to design the marketing material, public site and application screens.

​StrataSmart wanted the website and application to follow UX best practice. To be simple and clear in it’s interface and graphical elements.

Clear calls to action, inline tool-tips and form field grouping.

​The application design was end to end - from signup forms, through email templates and welcome screens.

I worked (and will continue to work) closely with the .NET developers to complete the front-end code / template requirements.

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Interface Design NRL LeagueWise

Client: NRL Wellbeing & Education
Completion: Jan 2017

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (Wordpress)

The NRL Wellbeing & Education team commissioned me to design and build a website that could contain their existing resources.

Producing printed brochures and manuals for their various initiatives was proving expensive and difficult to update.

This new digital resource is expandable and customisable: Powered by Wordpress and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

​My role on this project was to:

  • work with stakeholders to assemble and organise content
  • design the interfaces for mobile and desktop
  • produce the HTML, CSS and JS code
  • install, setup and customise Wordpress
  • input and format all content for go-live
  • support content creators going forward
Thanks Dave, all looks perfect... The site is looking absolutely brilliant and is exactly as hoped for it to look and function. Tony M, NRL Wellbeing & Education

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Interface Design Sisterhood Women’s Travel

Client: Sisterhood Womens Travel
Completion: January 2016
Visit: Sisterhood Women’s Travel Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

​In late 2015 I was contracted to redesign and rebuild the website and online booking tool for Sisterhood Women’s Travel.

The site was completely re-thought: from memberships to online payments to customised package builders in the CMS.

The site can take offline and online credit card payments from users booking tours, making progress payments and yearly memberships.

Wow after months of collaboration with the fantastic Dave Rayner, we are loving our new website. Colourful, fresh, easy to navigate and so many pictures to get our travel juices flowing! A big thank you Dave for making our transition from old to new super easy. Hayley, Sisterhood Women's Travel

​The client can create detailed tour descriptions and pricing options, along with all the other website content: blogs, pages and highlight modules.

Paying members can also add their own content: Blog posts, photo galleries and testimonials.

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Interface Design Fox Symes & Associates

Client: Fox Symes & Associates
Completion: November 2015
Visit: Fox Symes & Associates Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

This is one of the latest releases for a long term client: Fox Symes & Associates. This project involved a complete overhaul of their main public-facing website. Responsiveness, white space and content management were key requests, along with page speed and best-practice SEO strategies.

The client is able to create and update page content, meta data and 301 redirects using the customised Expression Engine content management system.

Perfect... the sticky nav scroll etc looks great! Victor, Fox Symes & Associates

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Interface Design Infographics for the NRL

Client: NRL
Completion: 2015

  • Interface design

I create regular infographics for the NRL - for key matches and for each NRL round.

These are always short-term projects delivered same day in most cases.

Epic! Thank you! Legend... Perfect! Thank you, as always! Reece, NRL

​My focus is on creating quality graphics in a short amount of time.

Creating simple visuals to represent the statistics (that’s the whole point right) while adhering to / referencing the brand.

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Interface Design NRL Rookie

Client: NRL
Completion: May 2016

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

The NRL commissioned me to design and build a new responsive website for their reality TV show ‘The NRL Rookie’.

Initially the site’s focus was to allow prospective players to apply to be on the show. The deadline date was locked and project time was around 2 weeks from kickoff to go-live.

Then in 2016 it came time to update the site to broadcast catch-up episodes, exclusive videos and player bios.

The site uses ExpressionEngine as the content management system (CMS).

The client can add and edit content (including videos) & review and edit all applicant form submissions.

In 2016 the videos now come from the Brightcove API - allowing the NRL admins to create and tag their videos once, in one location.

The NRL Rookie site is looking great! Legend! Fantastic... Really appreciate your efforts Dave! Sara, NRL

Applicants had to answer lots of questions - multiple choice, full text, links as well as upload two images. Some questions show / hide additional fields based on user input. Validation is client-side using jQuery as well as some server-side validation for security and key fields.

A custom report and admin tool was then built to allow the NRL to filter, grade and process all the applications.

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Interface Design NRL Tickets

Client: NRL
Completion: 2015 & Dec 2017
Visit: NRL Tickets Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

The NRL approached me in early 2015 to design and build a new responsive Tickets portal. The catch: only 3 weeks from kickoff to go live.

I was able to design, code and build the site on time and budget.

Then in December 2017 the NRL updated their digital presence, and I was asked to update the site to match.

The site uses the ExpressionEngine CMS - so the client can update / edit and add games and events throughout the year.

The CMS automatically pulls in hundreds of game details from an existing, official XML feed.

Most of the HTML structure and core styling comes from the master files created by the NRL. My job was to apply and extend those master styles for this site’s specific templates.

This is great. Thanks Dave! Fantastic! WOOOHOOOO! Sara, NRL

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Interface Design Corum Group Websites

Client: Corum Group
Completion: March 2015
Visit: Corum Group Websites Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

​Corum Group approached me to re-design all four of their public-facing websites in early 2015. Their online presence needed a complete update and re-think.

Time frames were short (only 4-5 weeks) with a definite, public go-live booked for March 2015 – so it made for a jammed start.

​The sites all use ExpressionEngine to power content. There are also automated imports of data from EventBrite and the ASX - allowing for hands-free content updates.

​I worked closely with senior management and devs to plan and build the sites as required. Three of the four sites have been produced.

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Interface Design 2015

Client: NRL / Telstra Digital
Completion: December 2014
Visit: 2015 Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

This is the second time I have been involved in the redesign of - the first being 2013. The big change this year was to increase white space, incorporate more subdued colour and change typefaces.

Working closely with the NRL and Telstra teams, we designed and built a whole bunch of templates and widgets over a few months (this is a large-scale project with lots of stake-holders, developers and deadlines).

I also worked on the initial HTML and CSS creation - working closely with the developers & their naming and CSS layout conventions.

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Interface Design Cognify

Client: Crawley Buckland and Associates Pty Ltd
Completion: November 2014

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (Wordpress)

Cognify is goal setting application dreamt up by a couple of entrepreneurs I have worked with for many years.

I was charged with designing the logo, mobile and desktop interfaces and creating the front-end HTML, CSS and the (simple) jQuery for the promotional site and blog.

The website had to be pretty simple in its message and action – big form field and button, clear context and headings.

This promo site and blog (custom Wordpress theme) is mobile-friendly too. The app itself was put together by another team and the two co-founders.

A1 Dave!", "Boom!!!!", "Yeah that’s the ticket! Ben, Cognify

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Interface Design Kick Bowel Cancer

Client: NRL
Completion: September 2014

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

​The NRL commissioned me to design and build a responsive website for one of their key community initiatives “Kick Bowel Cancer”.

​The website’s main purpose is to get users to complete a simple bowel cancer risk questionnaire.

I built the question / answer smarts using jQuery, and buttons in CSS. All clicks are tracked via Google Analytics.

Thanks Dave – looks great! We are really happy with the look and feel... Good work team! Courtney & Michael, NRL

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Interface Design HeartKids MyHeart

Client: HeartKids
Completion: July 2014

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

I was commissioned by HeartKids Australia to design and build a site for 12-25 year olds with childhood heart disease.

The site acts as a information resource and a safe place to share stories and comments.

My job was to design all interfaces (including mobile), code all HTML and setup the Expression Engine content management system (for near-full content control).

Thanks so much! We all love the new website and content management system... A very creative and strategically spot on solution. Thanks! Anna, HeartKids

The site has a forum, members registration, story submission and lots of data types and manipulations.

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Interface Design FFA Mobile Sites

Client: Perform Group
Completion: March 2014

  • Interface design

I was contracted through Perform Group Australia to produce desktop & mobile wireframes + mobile interface designs for all Football Federation Australia teams.

This included the A-League, Socceroos, Matildas and all other international and local competitions and teams.

I was chosen for this project based on my years of experience with NRL team and parent-site re-designs and rollouts.

This large and detailed project spanned three months and resulted in many hours of planning and production.

The wireframe stage was the most rewarding as Perform Group and I were able to shape the user experience for desktop, tablet and mobile.

The desktop interface designs were produced in-house by Perform, along with all code.

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Interface Design Brampton Finance

Client: Brampton Finance
Completion: May 2013
Visit: Brampton Finance Site

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

The guys at Brampton Finance contracted me to redesign and build their website in early 2013. I have known some of these guys professionally for over 8 years, so it was great to help them lift their online profile.

The simple, bold interface is intended to clarify the companies offering. Hopefully allowing the user to find what they need quickly – and kick-off a conversation.

ExpressionEngine is my choice for content management system, and it’s what I used for Brampton. It allows the client to update all relevant content changes they need to – in a bespoke environment.

A mobile version was also implemented (as is standard these days). A few simple layout tweaks and the smart-phone experience is vastly improved.

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Interface Design JT Allen Real Estate

Client: JT Allen Real Estate
Completion: April 2013

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

The team from JT Allen Real Estate were recommended through an existing client. My role was to plan and design the interface, then build the site through to go-live.

The site includes a (now standard) mobile version using a simple CSS file switch. JT Allen specifically wanted to scale back the mobile version.

The client is able to update all the content themselves via the customised Expression Engine content management system. This includes all images, text, and Google maps.

Hi Dave this looks GREAT!! Thank you... Thanks so much Dave!... very excited about the launch!... Fantastic Dave, this is looking incredible. Josh, JT Allen

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Interface Design Angela Catterns

Client: Angela Catterns
Completion: April 2012

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

I was referred to radio and television personality Angela Catterns early in 2012. Angela needed a serious update to her online presence.

I was thrilled of course, as I had listened to Angela for many years on Triple J – it was quite something to have a ‘real conversation’ with that voice.

The new site design was all about capturing Angela’s extensive career, talents and current services. And allow communication between Ang and her fans.

My role was to plan & design the interface, all graphics, front-end code and CMS installation. I also built a mobile-lite version of the site.

The site runs the Expression Engine CMS – allowing Angela + team to edit and update text, images and sound files.

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Interface Design Fox Symes & Associates

Client: Fox Symes & Associates
Completion: April 2012

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)

​Fox Symes have been a client since 2011 when they first commissioned me to redesign and build several key websites.

Since then many variations, additions have been made.

These sites are heavily geared for sales, click actions and form completion – with mobile users being the majority.

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Interface Design Citizen Watches

Client: CKWEB
Completion: Dec 2011

  • Interface design

CKWeb and I were again invited to redesign and rebuild the Citizen sites for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Chris from CKWeb pushed me to come up with a striking homepage – and I think we did it. The interface was simplified from the last edition. Images became larger, text shorter and actions (hopefully) clearer.

CKWEB took care of client relations, the backend and Javascript and the initial HTML/CSS coding. The design, graphics and final CSS touches were my responsibility.

We spent plenty of time fine-tuning functionality and design to improve usability and support the business requirements.

Chris and I were honoured to be shortlisted for the 2008 McFarlane Prize for the previous version of this site, so we were keen to improve on it.

Users now have more opportunities throughout the site to browse and find theirwatch (+ the Watch Finder remains).

Citizen are very happy with their fast, mobile friendly website for 2012.

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Interface Design Tudor House Prep School

Client: Brandswell Worldwide
Completion: August 2011

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

Brandswell Worldwide brought me in to design and build a new website for the prestigious school (I had already worked BW on other significant projects).

I was to design the interface and responsive layout, help with image selection & content, do all front-end coding and then install and customise the Content Management System.

I chose ExpressionEngine as the CMS, as it had the flexibility required: nested pages, blogs, events & news modules, many templates and different data-types.

Working closely with Brandswell, we delivered on time.

Thank you for your amazing work and website. Loving it! John Stewart, Tudor House

More Interface design projects

Quick facts

  • Freelance web designer based in the Blue Mountains (just outside Sydney)
  • Prefer to work from my office
  • Hour rate: $ contact me
  • Project rate: $ will quote
  • I'm passionate about quality
  • Married, with two great kids

Read more about me...

Skill & software overview

  • Trained graphic designer
  • 22+ yrs commercial experience
  • User-centred approach
  • Advanced Photoshop & Illustrator
  • Advanced HTML & CSS
  • W3C & WAI compliant
  • Responsive / Mobile friendly
  • WordPress customisation
  • ExpressionEngine customisation
  • Craft CMS customisation
  • ZenDesk theme customisation

Right now I am...

  • Working with Signet to lift their online presence. Interface design & code, EdMs and digital graphics are all part of the suite of changes underway.
  • Ongoing work with Insignia to create digital art for online and tradeshow promotion.
  • Working with a podcast production company on a popular US-based medical podcast website running Wordpress.


I found Dave Rayner to be excellent. Fast, efficient and relatively cheap for website changes. Peter R, Balmain Sailing Club
Thanks Dave, You’re a legend! Much appreciated. Al, Specialised Force
Just wanted to say a big thanks for your efforts... it's much much better for your work on it... We're all really pumped to take it to the next level again in 2012. Dom, Team Telstra
Hi Dave this looks GREAT!! Thank you... Thanks so much Dave!... very excited about the launch!... Fantastic Dave, this is looking incredible. Josh, JT Allen
Dave has delivered great service and outcomes on several of my businesses. Creative, reliable and all round legend - highly recommended. Nick Crawley, Nick Crawley Consulting
David, we keep getting nothing but rave reviews and overly positive feedback on the website – people love it. Thanks so much for the fantastic work! Isaac H,
Wow after months of collaboration with the fantastic Dave Rayner, we are loving our new website. Colourful, fresh, easy to navigate and so many pictures to get our travel juices flowing! A big thank you Dave for making our transition from old to new super easy. Hayley, Sisterhood Women's Travel
Looks great! You’ve captured our intent really well... That looks amazing!... To me, it looks like you’re going in the right direction. Tom M, EPES Consulting

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